
Config-based API server framework

Project maintained by ctjong Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Orion Documentation

Sample blog app

To see what the framework can do, let us try creating a simple API server. Here are the steps to create a simple API server that stores blog post data.

  1. Set up a folder for your server application.
  2. Install Orion to your application.
     $ npm install --save orion-api
  3. Create a configuration module. This should contain all the settings for your application, and what entities/tables you want to have in the database.
     module.exports =
             dialect: "mssql",
             host: _DATABASE_HOST_,
             name: _DATABASE_NAME_,
             userName: _DATABASE_USERNAME_,
             password: _DATABASE_PASSWORD_
                     "title": { type: "string", isEditable: true, isRequired: true, foreignKey: null },
                     "content": { type: "richtext", isEditable: true, isRequired: true, foreignKey: null }
                     "read": ["guest"],
                     "create": ["guest"],
                     "update": ["guest"],
                     "delete": ["guest"]

    Save the above file as config.js. Please see the Configuration Options page for more configuration options.

  4. Set up server.js for the application entry point. Import Orion and the configuration module, and set up the application as follows:
     const Orion = require('orion-api');
     const config = require('./config');
     const orionApp = new Orion(config);
     // You can add more endpoints to the orionApp.app object or do other things here
  5. You’re all set! You can now run server.js to see your app in action. Unless you specify a port in the startAsync() call, you will see your app running at port 1337.
     $ node server.js
     $ # insert a new blog post entry
     $ curl -d '{"title":"I like trains", "content":"Trains are cool!"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:1337/api/data/blogpost
     $ # retrieve all blog post entries
     $ curl http://localhost:1337/api/data/blogpost/public/findall/id/0/100

    Go to API Endpoints page to see all of the endpoints that we provide.